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Palavia pixel-bot palladium - KNOWN BUGS

Posted: 10 Jan 2018, 20:35
by admin
Because this is a pixel-bot, it can be very tricky to solve one bug because we can loose on another thing, like collecting faster and so on.
Please dont compare it with a packet-bot (background bot), thats why we have a free version to test, to know people what they buy.
This type of bots still remains the safest, just the big disadvantage that is using your whole pc screen, mouse and keyboard.

Here will be an updated list of known bugs.

• when you use "kill NPC" option the bot sometimes shoot also uber pirates
• it clicks on some specific ships, like Tartarus, doesnt affect collecting but when you use to kill NPC it select it and searching again for NPC for ex.
• warping the wrong ship (this bug its related to BP, happens mostly on sundays, because they dont do server restart in weekends and when you change a ship in base with another hangar, it may get stucked ingame not because of bot) - FIXED

Also dont forget to read the FAQ, it really helps you.