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Fair Play Initiative - bigpoint fight against bots

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Fair Play Initiative - bigpoint fight against bots

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Today BP launched this news:
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Fair Play Initiative

Greetings Space Pilots,

We have renewed our dedication to fair play and have started by suspending 2,724 accounts for 2 weeks starting today.
Your frustrations have not gone unnoticed by our team, and we look forward to restoring a fair playing environment where cheaters will not prosper. We have also included a few additional punishments that are outlined below to remove as many resources and status gained through unfair practices. Please keep in mind this wave only signifies our first step in restoring and maintaining a level playing field for everyone, and additional measures and waves are planned.

*Punishments will be enforced today

Additional Punishments

75% reduction in Experience and Honor
Remove ALL of the following resources
• Schism
• Extra Energy
• Scrap
• Indoctrine Oil
• 90% UCB-100 laser ammo
• 90% RSB-75 laser ammo

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We do not know yet if this is dedicated to Vertex products, but Vertex is working hard to make it available and safe for you.
So we guess the fight start from now on.
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Re: Fair Play Initiative - bigpoint fight against bots

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Also for those customers who dispute for no reason, will be banned for buying and using any of our products in future and now.

Dont be ungrateful and before buy read the terms over and over again.
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Re: Fair Play Initiative - bigpoint fight against bots

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VERTEX - We will refund the remaining days for everyone who wants that and didnt used more than half time of license. In order to receive the refund you must contact us in mail with your request. (paypal taxes not included) (DO NOT start DISPUTE)

Some of you are ungrateful and does not show any respect for our work and start a dispute on paypal with full of lies, like Unauthorized transaction, item not received, item not as described etc.

This customers will not recover the money and they will never can use our products anymore now and in future.

Also, please take in consideration that this will take some time (1-7days from your request), until we calculate the right amount for refund.
Despite our Terms, you are not eligible for refunds, but we do that to see we appreciate customers.

VERTEX is still ONLINE for those who still accept the risk, and may be included more license time (or more sessions) as compensation ;)

Thank you for understanding and for your respect !
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Re: Fair Play Initiative - bigpoint fight against bots

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VERTEX products will be still updated, if you wish to contribute you can still buy license.
Developers will work hard to find out what is the problem, because many of you users are not banned.. if their script works they should ban all for no problem, but they didnt. So something fishy is going on here.

Before that you are aware of the risk you get involved according to latest banwave from BIGPOINT.

So make sure you read again the TERMS & Refund policy

If you AGREE and want new license, just contact us via mail for instructions.
You can buy Vertex Bot 1 Session 30 days and Vertex Tool 30 days, for now.
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Re: Fair Play Initiative - bigpoint fight against bots

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Baracus - Today at 15:30
Greetings Space Pilots,

We have seen that some of those whose accounts were punished as part of yesterday’s fair play initiative have claimed they have never violated our terms and conditions by using a 3rd party program in DarkOrbit. We are confident that our detection methods worked correctly, but have decided to do an intensive manual review of the accounts to be transparent and fair. We will make another announcement early next week regarding the investigation. Thank you for your patience, and to those dedicated to a fair game.


Your Community Management Team

Tomorrow is last day when you can request the refund for those who are scared to use Vertex now (paypal)

I want to remind that only those are eligible who didnt use the half time of the license, despite our Terms we shouldnt refund (unless you are in the 48hour). Hopefully you will appreciate this.

VERTEX is still ONLINE and will be updateing, for those who still take the risk and accept the terms.

Thank you.
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Re: Fair Play Initiative - bigpoint fight against bots

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@Bonge (developer of VERTEX)
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Here's a small update regarding the recent events.

First of all I just want to clear up a few things. It is still too early to be certain about anything, but based on the data we have so far:
Based on the overall ban count so far it is safe to say that Vertex users have been quite far from the only ones affected. Especially if you consider those who have also been using other 3rd party programs than Vertex on their accounts. In fact, it has been confirmed that a large number of accounts that have been using Vertex bot have remained safe from any punishments after the ban wave. This could likely indicate that there is no script that are able to automatically pick up the bot itself (or the tool, which alone doesn't seem to be affected at all). Additionally, BP did also confirm that a lot of manual work went into verifying botters, so it seems that even if their script didn't catch you as a botter, there have been other ways to manually check for bot usage which may then have lead to a ban.

The bot and tool will continue being updated and those with a license will still be able to use it. We are however still not completely sure where we will be heading in the future and thus we have decided to limit the available licenses to those with 30 days, for the time being. When we have more information to share, we'll let you know.
Keep in mind that the use of our software is (still) on your own responsibility.

We have also planned a compensation due to those who actually did end up getting banned by only using our software. There will be more information regarding this tomorrow.

And lastly, a big thank you to all of those who have, and continue to, supporting the project!
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Re: Fair Play Initiative - bigpoint fight against bots

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Vertex compensation
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As Bonge<> mentioned yesterday morning we have decided to provide a compensation for any inconvenience caused by any possible ban you guys might have suffered. Our first intention was to compensate only the ones who were affected by a ban. However, it would be literally impossible to check. That's why we have decided to compensate everyone who has an active license and it was activated before the banwave (this excludes everyone who have bought the bot after the banwave) with 14 extra days. This compensation will be booked tomorrow.
In addition to that i also want to mention that for now you guys will only be able to buy 30 days license long as maximum. We believe that our software is safe and we want to demonstrate so. If you are afraid to use the bot on your main account feel free to create a new account and see what happens with it.
More news to come and thank you for supporting Vertex :heart:

In addition, those who asked for refund for remaining days, will be excluded.
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Re: Fair Play Initiative - bigpoint fight against bots

Post by admin »

As many of you know, about 1 week ago BP did a banwave.
After few days BP said that their script may not be accurate, therefore this days (and mine accounts which used VERTEX) got UNBANNED.

In conclussion:
(palavia will be safe forever)

Happy botting !
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Fair Play Initiative Update

Greetings Space Pilots,

We have completed the manual review process of the accounts that were recently punished for violating our terms and conditions. We enforced these punishments based on two different detection methods, and our investigation has uncovered the possibility that one of them was not completely reliable. In order to remain fair and transparent, we have decided to remove the punishments for every account that was detected using the method in question. A total of 658 accounts will be restored to their previous state, along with a compensation package for any inconvenience caused. The remaining 2,069 will receive the complete punishment as we are completely confident in the method used to detect them. We apologize for being a bit too aggressive with this action, but would like to stress that we remain dedicated to our Fair Play Initiative.

*Restoring of all Honor & XP will be immediate, but there is a possibility the other resources will take a few days for a handful of accounts. Please do not submit a support ticket if you are unbanned but do not have your resources. We are fetching the necessary information, and will add them automatically.


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