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Warbond: Demaner FAQ
The troublesome Demaner freighters didn’t learn their lesson, and have once again encroached on our territory. Since they choose to ignore our orders not to use our space as a shipping route, we will help ourselves to their precious cargo!
Event Summary
Demaner Freighters will appear on the maps sporadically during pre-determined time windows It is your mission to exterminate the Freighters, and in return you can keep any cargo they were attempting to transport. There have been sightings of a new modified Freighter on some maps, so stay ready at all times.
Event Rules
This event is all about dealing the most damage in order to get the biggest share of the cargo aboard the Demaner Freighters. Upon destruction, the Freighters will drop up to 10 Special Demaner Boxes that will only be visible to the pilots that caused the most damage.
Special Demaner Box Contents
The following rewards will be distributed amongst all damage dealers
Uridium: 30.000
Credits: 12.000.000
XP: 3.000.000
Honor: 30.000
Drone XP: 10
Ranking Points: 1.200
Top 10 damage dealers will also receive a box with the following items. Each item will be rolled for individually:
Item Drop Chance
LF-4 0.5%
Havoc Design 0.5%
Zeus Drone Part 0.5%
Apis Drone Part 0.5%
20 Booty keys 20%
50 Extra Energy 60%
1 ISH01 CPU 50%
1 Indoctrine oil 15%
2 Kyhalon 10%
2 Tetrathin 10%
Top 8 are also guaranteed to receive one of the following items from the box:
20,000 Uridium
30 Log Disks
100,000 RB-214
10.000 PLT-2021
New Minor Demaner Box
Stats: Unknown
Rewards on Destruction
5 Ranking Points
5 Drone XP
24 Uridium
50.000 Credits
Cargo (If box is not dropped)
100 Prometium
100 Endurium
100 Terbium
Minor Demaner Box (30% Chance to drop after destruction)
Item Amount Drop Chance
MCB-25 800 30%
RB-214 20 20%
Seprom 1 20%
MCB-50 300 25%
Extra Energy 1 5%
Achievement name Title Condition Points Metal
Lord of the Seven Galaxies Lord of the Seven Galaxies Destroy 100 Demaner Freighters 25 Gold
Demaner’s Hostage Demaner’s Hostage Destroy 50 Demaner Freighters 15 Gold
Supply Cut Off Space hunter Destroy 25 Demaner Freighters 10 Silver
Glorious hunt - Destroy 5 Demaner Freighters 5 Bronze
Epic Mission
Level Restriction Visible Acceptable Task Reward Repeatable
None All Event Days All Event Days Complete in order:
Kill 5 Enemy ships on 4-1
Kill 5 Enemy ships on 4-2
Kill 5 Enemy ships on 4-3
Cause 60,000,000 Damage to Demaner Freighter
50 Extra Energy
20 Logfiles
5 Booty Keys
3000 RB-214
2 Indoctrine Oil
2 Immunizer CPU
1 Hercules drone design No
Level 6+ Missions
Title Frequency Task Reward
Shedding Light Once Per Event Order:
Visit x-4 map
Kill 10 Saimon
Kill 1 Sibelon
Credits 10,000
Uridium 100
Honor 15
Experience 10,000
Special Forces Once Per Event Parallel:
Kill 10 Mordon
Kill 1 Boss Mordon
Credits 10,000
Uridium 100
Honor 10
Experience 6000
Savior Once Per Event Cause 100,000 Damage to the Demaner Freighter Credits 15,000
Uridium 110
Honor 12
Experience 8000
RB 214 500
Beyond Reproach Once Per Event
Cause 50,000 Damage to any player A)
Credits 8,000
Uridium 50
Honor 5
Experience 5000
Extra Energy 5
Dark Precedent Once Per Event Cause 200,000 Damage to a Boss Sibelon Credits 20,000
Uridium 150
Honor 15
Experience 10,000
Interference Once Per Event Destroy 10 New Weak Demaner NPC Credits 200,000
Uridium 500
Honor 30
Experience 100,000
Mind Games Once Per Event Destroy 30 New Weak Demaner NPC Credits 400,000
Uridium 600
Honor 40
Experience 300,000
1 Apocalypse Booty Key
Project Rebirth Once Per Event Sequential:
Kill 1 Mordon
Kill 1 Sibelon
Kill 1 Devolarium
Kill 1 Boss Lordakia
Credits 200,000
Uridium 300
Honor 24
Experience 70,000
Watchdog Once Per Event Parallel:
Destroy 60 Lordakia
Destroy 10 Boss Lordakia
Credits 300,000
Uridium 350
Honor 27
Experience 120,000
We’ll be Back Daily Destroy 60 New Weak Demaner NPC Credits 300,000
Uridium 350
Honor 27
Experience 120,000
RB-214 600
Level 12+ Missions
Title Frequency Task Reward
Shedding Light Once Per Event Order:
Visit x-6 map
Kill 30 Protegit
Credits 20,000
Uridium 200
Honor 30
Experience 20,000
Special Forces Once Per Event Parallel:
Kill 10 Kristallin
Kill 1 Kristallon
Credits 20,000
Uridium 200
Honor 20
Experience 12,000
Savior Once Per Event Cause 400,000 Damage to the Demaner Freighter Credits 40,000
Uridium 300
Honor 100
Experience 100,000
RB-214 4000
Beyond Reproach Once Per Event One of following:
A) Destroy 1 of any of the following ships:
B) Cause 900,000 damage to any ship
Credits 35,000
Uridium 200
Honor 60
Experience 90,000
Extra Energy 10
Dark Precedent Once Per Event Cause 1,000,000 damage to Demaner Escorts Credits 80,000
Uridium 300
Honor 70
Experience 200,000
Interference Once Per Event Cause 10,000,000 damage to Demaner Freighters Credits 600,000
Uridium 500
Honor 100
Experience 700,000
Mind Games Once Per Event Destroy 10 Uber Interceptors Credits 400,000
Uridium 600
Honor 40
Experience 300,000
1 Apocalypse Booty Key
Project Rebirth Once Per Event Sequential:
Kill 1 Kristallon
Kill 1 Lordakium
Kill 1 Kristallin
Kill 1 Protegit
Credits 300,000
Uridium 400
Honor 20
Experience 70,000
Watchdog Once Per Event Parallel:
Destroy 5 Lordakium
Destroy 1 Boss Lordakium
Credits 360,000
Uridium 550
Honor 40
Experience 400,000
We’ll be Back Daily Cause 5,000,000 to the Demaner Freighter Credits 300,000
Uridium 200
Honor 30
Experience 320,000
Indoctrine Oil 1
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Warbond: Demaner FAQ
Re: Warbond: Demaner FAQ
Demaner Schedule (Local Server Time)
Monday 1200 - 2100
Tuesday 1100 - 2000
Wednesday 1500 - 2400
Thursday 1200 - 2400
Event ends 24.08
Monday 1200 - 2100
Tuesday 1100 - 2000
Wednesday 1500 - 2400
Thursday 1200 - 2400
Event ends 24.08