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ABR, OIL - for upgrades

Posted: 03 Nov 2019, 09:41
by admin
For each upgrade now you need at least the following resources:
• ABR from level 2 and up
• Indoctrine OIL from level 14 and up.

- You find this "resource" by:
• daily missions (when are available)
• events (when are available)
• gates
Alpha - 2
Beta - 2
Gamma - 3
Delta - 4
Epsilon - 4
Kappa - 4
Kronos - 100
Lambda - 4
Hades - 1
Kuiper - 6
Zeta - 3
Quarantine Zone - 20

OIL - You find this "resource" by: (source)
• Quarantine zone - Group map
Roll Number Amount of Oil Chance
1 1 100%
2 2 59%
3 2 20%
4 10-15 0.01%
• Special NPC which appear randomly in maps


For every upgrade to level 16, in total you need:
299 ABR
49.400 URI
42 OIL
64 hours

48 Lasers upgrade:
14.352 ABR
2.371.200 URI
2016 OIL

20 Shields upgrade:
5.980 ABR
988.000 URI
840 OIL

in total of 48 lasers + 20 shields:
20.332 ABR
3.359.200 URI
2856 OIL

In terms of doing kronos (on kronos day) that means: (or ~1017 Q-ZONEs if you have enough and strong members for group, but you will consume a lot of resources and ammo doing in this way, in kronos way you earn resources)
2 alpha - 4 ABR
2 beta - 4 ABR
1 gamma - 3 ABR
1 delta - 4 ABR
2 epsilon - 8 ABR
1 zeta - 3 ABR
1 kappa - 4 ABR
3 lambda - 12 ABR
1 kronos - 100 ABR
Total (extra energy used at least= 12.000 ) ABR gained:

That means you need to do ~144 "session` s" of KRONOS.

In terms of doing Q-Zone Gates:
~1017 gates to do
per one gate, with 8 users in group, UFE, Solace + double DMG boosters:
time: 10-15 min / gate
ammo used: 9.000 - 11.000 total (x4 6.000-7.000 + sab 3.000-4.000)
rockets 150-250
you gain: 20 ABR, 500 seprom, about 5.000 uri (~25.000 uri/h)
in 24hour you need: ~96 - 120 immunizer CPU (2880 - 3600 hybrid alloy box)